I have a blog site and website where you can find out more information. Now, I have a professional DSLR camera and I'm looking to do photography as well as my graphics as a sideline project. I have literally thousands of photographs which I have taken over the years. I have had a love of photography from being a child. My favourite story of all time is Bram Stoker's, Dracula. Scary films are a true love of mine, although I find it very hard to find one these days that actually frightens me. I will also be creating the covers for Empire Voices audiobooks. I have created covers for my own novels, self published authors, World Castle Publications and Sizzler Editions. I love anything spooky, supernatural, or unexplainable, and so that’s the genre I want to write in for the rest of my life. My stories play like movies in my mind, then I go and write them down. I’ll sit listening to it and suddenly I’m no longer in the room. I never knew what I wanted to do with my life until I began writing. I live with my parents, my younger sister, Cheryl, and her little girl, Faith. I will also be creating the covers for Empire Voices aud I have lived in Droylsden, Manchester, all my life.

I have lived in Droylsden, Manchester, all my life.