Doctor Payne has apparently created a lot of the lifeforms in this story through his experiments.

Many characters you only meet once and each reveals new information about the world they live in. JL: There’s a huge cast of characters in the book. Inside the crater is called “The C.” A mountain range separates The C from the city of Grain (now called Grave), the setting for my Ninja book and also my new comic Puke Force. Does this land have a name?īrian Chippendale: If ‘n Oof takes place in and above a giant crater. Jason Leivian: I want to start with some questions about the characters and world of If ‘n Oof. If ‘n Oof is an 800 page! chunk of comic, literally a Picturebox. But it reads fast with lots of humor and surprises. The first time through is a visceral experience. The book almost animates itself as you turn the pages. Multiple readings reveal that the surreal story actually ties together with lots of layers and backstory.Ĭhippendale has had a busy weekend, getting ready for the tour, but he had time to do a quick interview with me about his new book. taking his incredible artwork to the next level. It’s a science fiction adventure comic, but I’d probably compare it to interpretive dance before comparing it to Jack Kirby. Papa don’t take no mess. I read both of the new books multiple times this past week. Powr Mastrs 3 sees C.F. I’m anticipating the comics crossover of the century. At their Portland stop here at Floating World Comics, we are also honored to welcome local writer, Matt Fraction, who will interview the artists about their work. Chippendale and CF will present slide shows about their work, answer questions, and sign books.

are hitting the road this weekend to do a book signing tour along the west coast for their new works, If ‘n Oof and Powr Mastrs 3.