Of the three, this is by far the most faithful to Matheson’s original novel, though after a series of changes he asked that his name be changed in the credits to Logan Swanson. Robert Morgan–the only time in three adaptations that the character’s name was changed. The first of these adaptations was The Last Man on Earth, released in 1964 and starring Vincent Price as Dr. The novella has been directly adapted three times to varying degrees. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead was undeniably influenced by the story. Many filmmakers have credited I am Legend for inspiring their own work.

I’ll only say that the finale of the book is one of the most chilling I’ve ever read, and though the novella has problems in pacing, and in following through on some of its brilliant ideas, it remains one of my favorites. Then, late one afternoon, he spies a young woman who seems “normal.” He brings her home and asks her permission to look at her blood, to see if she is immune to the ravages of the contagion that has transformed the rest of the world. At night, he barricades himself inside his house as the creatures surround his home, entreating and taunting him to leave the safety of his home. Neville spends his days in solitude, gathering supplies, surviving, and killing as many of the creatures as he can in hopes of surviving. Those who did not die have become vampires of sorts that seem, for all intents and purposes, to follow the known “rules:” living entirely in the dark, feeding on human blood, repelled by garlic and crucifixes. The rest of the world’s population has been decimated by a pandemic. The story centers on Robert Neville who, so far as he knows, is the last remaining human being alive. Published in 1954, Matheson’s novel is a bit of a hybrid, blending survivalist horror with ideas that would become standard tropes in both the zombie and vampire genres. He’s an author who will most definitely turn up in the series again. You might not know his name, but you most certainly know his work. The Twilight Zone series featured 16 tales by the author including “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet,” “Little Girl Lost,” and “The Invaders.”

Oh, I’m so glad you asked! Author and screenwriter Richard Matheson was one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century, producing a vast array of short stories, novels/novellas, and scripts. Read on for more about I am Legend, and tell us your favorite adaptation down in the comments below! Who is Richard Matheson? It’s just nice to talk about someone else for a change.) This week, we’re diving into I am Legend by the incomparable Richard Matheson. (I love the King, but he’s been adapted so much. Welcome back readers to “Based on the Novel By,” a new series devoted to the many horror films and series based on previously published novels and short stories excluding the works of Stephen King.