Willems once again conveys a range of emotions through limited text and outstanding illustrations. At the end, Daddy includes a note to his daughter with the hope that the toy might return years later when she has her own child. She gives him to a crying baby and becomes Knuffle Bunny free. Just when the story might end, Trixie shows just how brave (and grown up) she is. Soon the visit ends, and Trixie is back on the plane where Knuffle Bunny is waiting in the seat pocket. Although the grown-ups encourage her to be brave because she's âgetting bigger,â Trixie remains in a funk until she dreams about her special toy and all the children he encounters on his travels. Trixie, excited and slightly sleepy, leaves her toy rabbit behind and doesn't miss him until the plane is on the way to China. Have students record their problems brought to you on strips to discuss later.PreS-KâKnuffle Bunny goes international when Trixie and her family fly to Holland to see Oma and Opa. What would you say to them? Do you sound mean? Is there a better way? Refer to this lesson often. Finish with group discussion on how to handle the "Talk to them" situations recorded. Each student records the strips pulled one by one from the jar in the correct category. Have strips with common classroom and home situations already printed on strips and allow students to write their own problem on a strip. Bingo: Three columns: Tell adult, Talk to them, Ignore. What do you think both girls learned? Follow up with a game. Extension Classroom: Discussion: After reading to the class have a discussion about the meaning of the story. My favorite part is the exchange of the bunnies and how the illustrator drew the parents. The story is funny, teaches a lesson, and is definitely something a young reader can relate to or understand. Personal reaction: I really enjoyed this book. This leads to a hilarious exchange and a new found friendship. The girls return home only and don't realize the bunnies are switched till late in the night. Both girls insist their bunny is the true and best one and this leads to the teacher having to take away their bunnies to keep the peace. Summary: Trixie takes her knuffle bunny for show and tell only to find that another student has the same bunny.